Nonprofit Staff Trainings
Everyone involved in a nonprofit
brings value to the organization
Map out all aspects of your organization
Make aligned decision to increase
sustained funding
Collect and use impact data
Create systems that allow everyone to spend more time doing what they love, serving your cause.
Ensure you are meeting all grant requirements
Let’s grow your organization together.
Fill out our interest form and let’s get started!
Nonprofit Boards Trainings
Boards are the compass that guide any organization
Come together as a board to be stronger advocates for your cause.
Together align the following foundational pieces of your organization
the mission
what activities take place
why these specific activities take place
the short term, intermediate and long term outcomes
the financial distribution of funds
When all board members have a clear understanding of the foundational components of an organization they can make aligned decisions that move the entire organization forward.
Nonprofit Program and Education Leaders Trainings
Program and leaders are responsible for
aligning program needs and actions
establishing defined outcomes
effectively showcasing how programming or interventions will improve results
reporting and communicating data
Theory of Change and Logic models are the blueprint to executing your plan:
Aligning all aspects of a program or project
ensures that everyone is on the same page and clearly understands the “why” behind the actions, interventions or content.
The progression of the short, intermediate and long term outcomes helps to show a roadmap that showcases how the program will improve results.
This training is effective for:
Nonprofit Project leaders
Education Departments (department of curriculum and instruction, SEL, ESL, D & I, community education)
Let’s get your programming off on the right foot
Fill out our interest form and let’s get started!