Logic Model Online Course

A self-paced online course to create
a plan andgain strategic clarity to reach your goals.

I’m Lesley, the founder of Nonprofit Orchard. Let me walk you through a self-paced, online course to create a detailed logic model unique to your organization.

This course is best for leaders who would like a step-by-step roadmap to strategic clarity to showcase the logical connection between what you do and the impact of your work

Get Started:

Step 1: Click the Buy Now button

Step 2: Choose the best course option for you.

Step 3: Create an account and check out

Step 4: Check your email for a confirmation email

Step 5: Get instant, lifetime access to all modules and downloads (see a preview of content below)


So, if you’re ready to have a guide (like a blueprint for your strategic plan)
here's how we’ll help you get there:

MODULE 1: The Idea-to-Impact Framework

We will look at the approachable framework and see how it allows for the development of an organizational guide that will immediately increase effectiveness and sustainability that will save you time, daily.

MODULE 2: Alignment: Creating a Personalized Logic Model

We will walk through the creation of a personalized logic model using research as the foundation to customize the follow aspects of your organization or program which will result in aligned programming and decision making immediately increasing impact.

MODULE 3: Using Your Logic Model to Maximize Impact

This module will show you how to use your logic model to optimize your organization and create a sustainable future. It will allow you to grow in any stage of the nonprofit or program stages.

Ready to create a roadmap to have a sustainable, goal-aligned, organized, and funded organization?

Let’s get you back to doing what you love;
serving your community.

Even if you already have a strategic plan, a well-developed logic model will align everything you do with the outcomes you want to achieve. It will prepare you for any grant, collect data you can actually use, and save you time, allowing your organization to have an even bigger impact.

Are you prepared for any grant opportunity?

Can you clearly show exactly
how your efforts contribute to the mission?

You want to get back to the fun part, serving your community

You want to save time and resources by aligning your efforts so they are less scattered.

You’re struggling to successfully share the impact of the work with funders or stakeholders

You don’t have the right data (or any data)

Strategic planning feels overwhelming and complicated and you wish you had an actionable document that connects everything you do with the outcomes you want to achieve.

You want to be ready for any grant or funding opportunity

Our idea-to-impact framework is based on two research based foundational systems:
Theory of Change and Logic Models.

Never heard of them!

No worries, we will walk you through it all and bonus, they are considered best practice in nonprofit leadership.


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